This is a promise to overcome all envy we have on our known and unknown circle.
Dictionary defines Jealousy as feeling or showing an envious resentment of someone or their achievements, possessions, or perceived advantages. So someone around you has achieved something, possess something you don't have or have different privileges and advantages that you don't have.
You know this much. But do you know the complete journey they had been through to be in the position. We will definitely not know the entire picture. The sacrifices they must have done, the self discipline they must have promised and all other hardships.
Comparing yourself to that position, dreaming to achieve it should be followed by a healthy competition and rigorous hard work and not by feeling envy on others. Moreover we gain nothing out of being jealous. Instead we can use that time to focus and start working on the path of achieving the greater height.
And every step you achieve towards the goal will make you happy and encourage you to go to the next level. Being envious to others will stress you out, make your every step harder to make it to the next level.
Jesus was born to a poor carpenter family though He was the son of God and denied all worldly pleasures. Did he feel envy on the Royals? No. He just minded His business. We have a way of redemption and He became the King of all for doing His duty sincerely.
A small excerpt from the Bible.
Proverbs 14 : 30 Says,
A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.
Feeling of Envy is just a poison Ivy. Never tread close to it.