Thursday, April 6, 2017


Responsibility -  Being accountable and answerable to something within one's control.

He counted his piggy bank for the third time. He was just 6 and took a long time to count. After ensuring he had enough to buy a chocolate he was finally happy. He took the money and went to a nearest shop and got the chocolate.

He carefully held it all the way and made way to his neighbor's house. He ringed the bell.  When it was answered he held the chocolate with his little hand to the elderly lady and said,  "  I am sorry for the disturbance caused by my dog when you are sleeping. The dog is mine and I am responsible for his actions too. I got this Chocolate to compensate. Hope you forgive him."

His great act of responsibility and sweet attitude made everyone forget everything else. Anything and everything else was forgiven.

Our Heavenly Father holds responsible for all of us and our actions that He feels it's His duty to compensate our misdeeds and gives us umpteen times of forgiveness. Our only responsibility, He says, is to be dutiful children to the wonderful Creator.

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