Sunday, March 19, 2017

Lent Lesson 19: FORGIVENESS

Forgiveness -  Ability to overlook someone's deeds which has hurt you a lot.

She could not forget the words. "What do you know about motherhood? You were never a mother. You cannot conceive at all." Her neighbors words felt as though a knife pierced her heart. She was watching her neighbors daughter getting spanked and rushed to her to protect her when she heard those cruel words.

She sat silent for a while. Then she decided to leave it for good. It's no use carrying it in heart.  After all its true. She did not have a child so far. She went back to her usual routine. She decided to forgive and forget.

A couple of months later she went to the doctor feeling sick. After some tests she was found  pregnant with twins. She thanked the day she decided to be forgiving for God has blessed her doubly for it.

God gave a wonderful present to us for crucifying him on the cross. His forgiveness. We may not be in a position to return any gift to Him but the least we can do is to share this wonderful present with everyone. Forgiveness always blesses us with more than we have lost or felt.

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